The Uchoshi system, The Forge, 03/10/126
On a low-level impulse I rented some quarters in a Tash-Murkonite station in Uchoshi, in The Forge, as it was a good base for field-testing a new project: EDENCOM ships! Why all the way out here on the far side of the State? Because Jita is the best place to source these ships and their incredibly expensive components and ammo (the ammo!). The skill requirements are a different matter - only available from DED and CONCORD stations - but anyway Jita is the place so here I am.
So after a very large investment of ISK I now have a Skybreaker and a Stormbringer, and I've been using them against Guristas installations in the northern part of The Forge.
My God...
The power of these things...
All I have to do is target one thing to give the Projector an initial starting point, then fire it. It then chains up through the next-closest nine targets on its own - regardless of what they are - and I have no control whatsoever over where it goes. The effect is spectacular - spellbinding - exactly as it was when St. Jamyl appeared and saved the Empire.
Things being what they are, EDENCOM considers the Arcing Vorton Projector so secret that it only permits me to know how to use it, not how it works. An engineer told me there's a device in there somewhere that opens a dimensional portal into the heart of a star where it channels quark-gluon plasma as a power source and projects it out through the emitters. Personally I doubt that. Personally I think there is a whiff of the Drifter about it, because those emitters bear a strong resemblance to the 'prongs' on a Drifter battleship.
The tangled web of corporations involved in EDENCOM and Upwell and CONCORD and the rest means that they must be involved somewhere, somehow.
Who do I mean?
Jovian tech!
A fleet of these things would be incredible. The Stormbringer has the shield capacity of a battleship, so I warp into a complex with it and just float there and unleash the lightning and everything melts before my neuro-linked digital eyes. So much more elegant than missiles.
I wonder if there are any real limitations to the scale of it, considering it was originally developed as a Keepstar defence system. Remember that as capsuleer I think this thing into being:
First, the chain reaction...
Then, a wave...
Turns everything to dust and atoms...